Psychiatric effects of nutritional deficiencies in alcoholism
Malnutrition is common in chronic alcoholics. Nutrient deficiency in alcoholics also leads to neurotransmitter dysfunction. Summary of an older, very comprehensive scientific review. Hypocalcemia (too little calcium), hyponatremia (too little sodium), hypokalemia (too little potassium), and hypophosphatemia (too little phosphate) have all been associated with chronic alcoholism. Low serum magnesium, selenium, and zinc levelsare also observed in alcoholism. Deficiencies of water-soluble vitamins such as vitamins B1, …
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England: Alcohol kills 20 percent more people during Corona
Shocking figures come from England: compared to 2019, the number of alcohol-related deaths in 2020 …
Flying and alcohol – mixed messages from the airlines
Alcohol and flying don’t mix very well. For most full-service airlines, however, alcohol remains a …